
2017年11月3日—MostknowthatyoucancontrolthevirtualZcoordinateofMaterialelementsinAndroidbyusingtheelevationproperty,tocontroltheshadow.,Youcanmakeyourappdisplayedge-to-edge—usingtheentirewidthandheightofthedisplay—bydrawingbehindthesystembars.Thesystembarsarethe ...,2023年10月2日—Customizeviewshadowsandoutlines.Theboundsofaview'sbackgrounddrawabledeterminethedefaultshapeofitsshadow.Outlinesrepr...

Playing with elevation in Android

2017年11月3日 — Most know that you can control the virtual Z coordinate of Material elements in Android by using the elevation property, to control the shadow.

Display content edge-to

You can make your app display edge-to-edge—using the entire width and height of the display—by drawing behind the system bars. The system bars are the ...

Create shadows and clip views

2023年10月2日 — Customize view shadows and outlines. The bounds of a view's background drawable determine the default shape of its shadow. Outlines represent ...

Give shadow to top edge of collapsed bottom sheet #32

2017年1月25日 — The Google Maps app has a shadow above the bottom sheet when it is in collapsed state. Any ideas on how to implement it?

View.UpdateDragShadow(View+DragShadowBuilder) ...

Updates the drag shadow for the ongoing drag and drop operation.

Shadow's Edge

Life can get challenging at times… we feel like we're the odd one out, things seem heavy and dark, or overwhelming. At times we feel alone.

Android View shadow

2014年1月19日 — I know this question has already been answered but I want you to know that I found a drawable on Android Studio that is very similar to the ...

How to add a shadow above a view in android

2015年12月14日 — If you need to have shadow just on one side of the view (e.g. on top), you can add another View before it and use gradient shadow for its ...

How i can make this kind of shadow in bottom in android ...

2022年10月24日 — No, all the fading edge stuff is built into Android itself. It's been there since forever and it was enabled in all scrollable views in the ...